Sustainability is at the core of our activities – our glass solutions contribute to more energy efficient buildings in Europe that is necessary for a 55% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 outlined in the European Green Deal. Our core products are thermally insulated glass units with special coated glasses that provide buildings with improved energy and light properties.

A sense for sustainability:
- Majority of our products are thermally insulated triple-layered glass units for the reduction of energy consumption
- We use special glass coatings to protect from excess solar radiation (to reduce cooling cost) or enable more solar radiation (to reduce heating cost)
- We use warm-edge spacers and variety of other components for higher energy-efficiency
- > 95% of our glass waste is recycled for new glass products.
- Our products have Environmental Product Declarations (EPD-s).
- We are certified in accordance with ISO:14001
Energy-efficient glass units:
- Energy properties of glasses are expressed by U-value. The lower the U-value, the better the insulating properties of glasses
- Regular double-glazed units achieve a u-value of 1.0W/m2K
- Our main products are triple-glazed units with solar control glasses that can improve the thermal insulation by 100% providing U-value up to 0.5W/m2K
- We can also produce quadruple layered glass units to reach the highest energy efficiency level
- We provide glass units with a wide variety of solar control coatings to reach higher energy or light properties

Light & energy properties of glass:
- LT: Light Transmittance – % of visible light directly transmitted through the glass
- LR: Light Reflectance – % of visible light directly reflected from the glass surface
- ET: Energy Transmittance – % of solar energy directly transmitted through the glazing
- G-value – Solar Factor g-value is the total solar energy entering into the building. Figure between 0 an 1. The lower the G-value, the more efficient is the glazing in blocking the entry of solar energy.